A Family Reunion in Maryland
Shhh, it's a surprise. My friend Abby asked me to make her some cookies to take with her to a family reunion she is on a plane flying to...

Summer Gingerbread
I read about this recipe here and just HAD to try it. My husband had a coworker who is leaving this week and shared that he used to love...

Just a little bite...
My son discovered that there was a whole table of freshly baked cookies in the dining room... and no one was guarding them. I noticed he...

It's a Girl
My dad's coworker just delivered a beautiful baby girl, Elena, and one of the mom's favorite foods is cookies... so naturally my dad...

Get Russ to Kenya
So we have a friend that is working with CTC International (a world community outreach that enables less fortunate areas of our world...

"O" is for Ollie
The Weisbrods have always been super supportive of my new hobby so when they asked me to make some cookies for little Oliver's 1st...

Texas Tech Graduation - First Order
After last weeks Memorial Day cookies, Mrs. Nancy (who runs The R.O.C.K), was kind enough to trust me with making cookies for her...